Vision 2020: Transformational Christ

A way to fill social media with the natural beauty of God’s creation. You can take photos that uplift and connect people to their creator.
#VisualizeWorship Guide [link]

We want you connected to the family of faithful creatives here and we seek to walk alongside you as you step into the chapter of your purpose.
Emphasize Digital Makers
We want to affirm the Digital Makers among us by making clear how Designers and Photographers can contribute their creative skills to impact the community. SVA wants to support you!
Opportunities for Digital Makers

Art & Theology + Creative Calling Classes
Have you ever wondered how your creativity and your faith can thrive in harmony? Are you looking to discover your unique contribution to the world and thrive in your creative gifting? These classes are a deep dive into such questions.
Classes will be posted next week

1-Sheet Projects
1-Sheets are like a bulletin board of projects you can dive into at any time. See projects here from handmade cards to submitting works of art to be installed in spaces.

In Working Artist Initiative (WAI), small groups of creative people are propelled forward in their endeavors as they create goals and share work to help to encourage and push each other to be faithful with our gifts. Groups meet every other week for 2.5 hours through the summer with a final show of chosen works in September. See a video of a past year.
The WAI Signup form sits within our response page for the whole 2020 Vision. Only WAI material is required.

Prepare to Love, Serve, Give as we grow in Christ.

Skills to Empower
We will offer Skills classes that help you Grow so you can Give with greater confidence.
“Makers Gotta Make” series is Tuesdays at 7:30 PM through June 16

PEACE Serve Projects
We will partner with our local PEACE Centers, offering gifts of beauty that feed the soul and engage the heart. You can make a handmade card to give to people in need of encouragement.
See Card Tutorial

Facilitating Healing of grief, loss, and trauma
through tactile processing on Healing Retreats and with ministries such as Mental Health, HIV+AIDS and Orphan Care

SVA Expressions Online
Expressions (healing art therapy) for those who are recovering from loss during the COVID season. Be the first to know by sharing your interests in the response button below.
We hope you can see yourself in this vision being paved for Saddleback Visual Arts. Share your area of greatest interests in the “My Response” button below.